ABRT plugin, part 2
Martin Milata
2014-01-21 16:08:57 UTC
here's what we talked about today in Brno. The goal is for the Foreman
to be able to display the information that program X crashed on host Y
at time Z. The workflow(bugflow?) will be as follows:

+---------+ +-----+
| foreman | | FAF |
+---------+ +-----+
^ ^
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
| smart proxy |
| host |

1) Whenever a crash happens on host, it sends the report to the smart
proxy. The report is JSON formatted [1] and is sent through https
connection which uses the Puppet certificate for client authentication.

2) The smart proxy receives the report, verifies the https connection
against Puppet CA certificate and remembers the common name from the
certificate in order to identify the host.

3) The smart proxy optionaly forwards the report to the ABRT server
(a.k.a. FAF).

4) The smart proxy formats the report to the same format as Puppet uses
and sends it to Foreman. It probably always shouldn't do so immediatelly
as that could DOS the Foreman in case a lot of hosts will be sending
crash reports very often. It should store the reports in memory and
aggregate them according to the their identifier (a.k.a. hash). The
hash can be computed by the satyr library [2].

5) Foreman receives the report and displays it in some list, associated
with the host it came from.

- ABRT people will provide Ruby bindings for satyr
- Foreman people will start working on the smart proxy support once
their current sprint is over

Please correct me if I got anything wrong or forgot something.


[1] https://github.com/abrt/faf/wiki/uReport#ureport2
[2] https://github.com/abrt/satyr
Marek Hulan
2014-01-21 16:54:58 UTC

I think you described it pretty well. Only thing that I'm not sure we agreed
on is that we'll work on smart proxy part. We'd be glad to help with any
questions but I'm not sure we have manpower to write it. We could possibly
create some scaffold with empty methods. Maybe some input from Ohad would help.

Anyway I sent you mail with some tips where to start. I think the "foreman"
part will be very similar to what exists for chef reports, for other parts
like aggregation I'd say you know better how to do it.
Post by Martin Milata
here's what we talked about today in Brno. The goal is for the Foreman
to be able to display the information that program X crashed on host Y
+---------+ +-----+
| foreman | | FAF |
+---------+ +-----+
^ ^
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
| smart proxy |
| host |
1) Whenever a crash happens on host, it sends the report to the smart
proxy. The report is JSON formatted [1] and is sent through https
connection which uses the Puppet certificate for client authentication.
2) The smart proxy receives the report, verifies the https connection
against Puppet CA certificate and remembers the common name from the
certificate in order to identify the host.
3) The smart proxy optionaly forwards the report to the ABRT server
(a.k.a. FAF).
4) The smart proxy formats the report to the same format as Puppet uses
and sends it to Foreman. It probably always shouldn't do so immediatelly
as that could DOS the Foreman in case a lot of hosts will be sending
crash reports very often. It should store the reports in memory and
aggregate them according to the their identifier (a.k.a. hash). The
hash can be computed by the satyr library [2].
5) Foreman receives the report and displays it in some list, associated
with the host it came from.
- ABRT people will provide Ruby bindings for satyr
- Foreman people will start working on the smart proxy support once
their current sprint is over
Please correct me if I got anything wrong or forgot something.
[1] https://github.com/abrt/faf/wiki/uReport#ureport2
[2] https://github.com/abrt/satyr
Martin Milata
2014-01-22 10:59:54 UTC
Sure, just the scaffolding would greatly help if you have time for that.
I'll try to look at the stuff you sent and see if we can reuse some of
that in the meantime.

Post by Marek Hulan
I think you described it pretty well. Only thing that I'm not sure we agreed
on is that we'll work on smart proxy part. We'd be glad to help with any
questions but I'm not sure we have manpower to write it. We could possibly
create some scaffold with empty methods. Maybe some input from Ohad would help.
Anyway I sent you mail with some tips where to start. I think the "foreman"
part will be very similar to what exists for chef reports, for other parts
like aggregation I'd say you know better how to do it.
Post by Martin Milata
here's what we talked about today in Brno. The goal is for the Foreman
to be able to display the information that program X crashed on host Y
+---------+ +-----+
| foreman | | FAF |
+---------+ +-----+
^ ^
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
| smart proxy |
| host |
1) Whenever a crash happens on host, it sends the report to the smart
proxy. The report is JSON formatted [1] and is sent through https
connection which uses the Puppet certificate for client authentication.
2) The smart proxy receives the report, verifies the https connection
against Puppet CA certificate and remembers the common name from the
certificate in order to identify the host.
3) The smart proxy optionaly forwards the report to the ABRT server
(a.k.a. FAF).
4) The smart proxy formats the report to the same format as Puppet uses
and sends it to Foreman. It probably always shouldn't do so immediatelly
as that could DOS the Foreman in case a lot of hosts will be sending
crash reports very often. It should store the reports in memory and
aggregate them according to the their identifier (a.k.a. hash). The
hash can be computed by the satyr library [2].
5) Foreman receives the report and displays it in some list, associated
with the host it came from.
- ABRT people will provide Ruby bindings for satyr
- Foreman people will start working on the smart proxy support once
their current sprint is over
Please correct me if I got anything wrong or forgot something.
[1] https://github.com/abrt/faf/wiki/uReport#ureport2
[2] https://github.com/abrt/satyr
Martin Milata
2014-01-24 13:27:01 UTC
Post by Martin Milata
+---------+ +-----+
| foreman | | FAF |
+---------+ +-----+
^ ^
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
| smart proxy |
| host |
I havent attended the discussion, but why the host cannot talk to the
FAF directly?
the host ---> FAF <----> smart proxy <-----> foreman
I assume that would be scenario A) in your former proposal. We kinda
discussed both A and B options and I have to admit I leaned towards B
Post by Martin Milata
4) The smart proxy formats the report to the same format as Puppet uses
and sends it to Foreman. It probably always shouldn't do so immediatelly
as that could DOS the Foreman in case a lot of hosts will be sending
crash reports very often. It should store the reports in memory and
aggregate them according to the their identifier (a.k.a. hash). The
hash can be computed by the satyr library [2].
I am not so sure now. I am late on emails today, but I haven't seen any
pros/cons or wider discussion why we should integrate like that.
The reason is that we'd like to make use of the reports without the need
to install FAF, as:
- FAF is rather heavyweight piece of software that has lots of
dependencies, needs SQL database, etc.
- Its features are mostly targeted at developers of the software for
which the reports are generated. I assume that it wouldn't be actually
that useful for typical foreman user.

The architecture in the picture allows you to be informed about crashes
on your managed hosts. Optionally, you can deploy your own FAF instance
for better crash statistics and more crash data, or send the reports to
FAF instance of your software supplier (e.g. Red Hat).
